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http://china.BagsNet.com   2007-05-18  来源:中国箱包网



Dear Sir or Madam,

Subj: Leather shoes

We accept your counteroffer of July 7th and are pleased to confirm having concluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you. Our factory has informed us that they can, at present, entertained orders of 20,000 pairs per week. Thus, you can rest assured that your order of 50,000 pairs for shipment next month will be fulfilled as contracted upon.

However, emphasis has to be laid on the point that your L/C must reach here by the end of this month. Otherwise, shipment has to be delayed.

We are now enclosing here with our Sales Contract No.37G4321 in duplicate. Please countersign and return us one copy for records. We appreciate your cooperation and trust that our products will turn out to your satisfaction.


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