Our factory founded in Tianjin in 1997, and founded the branch in Nanhai of Foshan in 2003, our factory is a enterprise which professional designs, produces and sells upscale leather, handbag etc.. Now our factory mainly takes process, and we have our brand “BLACKHORN”.
Our product style is novel, the quality is so good, the price is just right, we have ever cooperated with Motorola Company, China Mobil, and China Electronics Industrial Department, design and manufacture leather gift for them. Mainly production: every kind of zipper bag, purse, wallet, the leather date book, the document clip, key purse, small accessories etc..
We can also provide the latest style design, the sample for you to choose; we also welcome you to take the diagram, sample, material to process. We will use the product of the superior quality, the trustworthiness, perfect marketing serve, to win the dependence and the approbation of the market. In the meantime we will study, sublimate, perfect ourselves, use the latest products, more excellent quality, better enthusiasm, better service, return our company’s customers.