Guangzhou TIANXIANYUAN Leather Factory located at “China Leather City” ——Shiling town Huadu district,we own over 70 workers, the factory that produces and sells foreign female bag professional. Mainly produce various style novels, the vogue spread of the female recreation bag, adopting different material to satisfy the need of different customers, the product quality is best credibility, the price has competition ability very much. The production line of the workshop own an advanced equipments, the factory owns ourselves design team, the leather that has high character, can provide the design service for the customer, as well welcome all customers press their design and specification to order products.
Our factory is in the light of the principle of “the service first, customer is highest”; with lend an excellent design, fine craft, good prestige and have the price of the competition ability to win customer very much. The product sells as far as Europe, USA, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan etc. more than 20 nations and region.
Sincerity welcome all businessmen telephone to talk over or come to our factory to make order, anticipate to process!