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源自英国BALENO(宾奴品牌,有着悠久历史,其 圆融可爱的鲸鱼形象,走遍世界的众多角落.)
1981年BALENO(宾奴)正式进入香港。针对东方人的体型特点和正统含蓄的风俗,对产品风格进行了改良在“实惠.品味”的基础上, 把BALENO(宾奴)打造成“精致典雅、实惠品味”的经典品牌。产品卜一面市,立即成为红极一时的品牌。
1995年,香港上市公司“德永佳集团”收购BALENO(宾奴)品牌,将BALENO(宾奴)品牌重新包装、重新定位、并创立“班尼路集团有限公司”针对年轻消费群体推出“ 班尼路”这一副品牌,休闲、时 尚、自然的风格深受年轻人的喜爱:同时BALENO CLASSIC(宾奴)品牌则延续 其一贯的“致典雅、实惠品味”的风格,在中国市场占据着重要地位。“班尼路”邀请天王巨星刘德华及王菲为品牌代言人,并迅速开设自营店及特许经营店这让“班尼路” 的品牌的知名度立即传遍在中国及东南亚市场。
2005年6月,广州市金鲸贸易有限公司取得BALENO CLASSIC(宾 奴)皮
2005年8月,BALENO CLASSIC(宾奴)皮具在中国大陆正式上市,短时间内迅速进驻国内大小商场。业务由广州、上海、北京、重庆等大城市,延伸至武汉、长沙、黑龙江、及内蒙古等地亦有“宾奴”的店铺。 由于“广州金鲸宾奴有限公司”开拓了特许经营方式,令店铺覆盖率及营利大大提高。截至2006年12月份,公司于国内共有自营店及特许经营店约200多间。BALENO CLASSIC(宾奴)皮具必将成为引领行业时尚潮流的新力。
  Stemming from Britain, BALENO brand has a long history. His lovely cetacean appearance can be seen in many areas around the world.
  In 1981, BALENO entered into Hong Kong market. According to the figure character of the Asians and the custom of legitimism and connotation, BALENO has improved its production style. BALENO became a classic brand of “exquisite & elegant, budget & taste”. When products appear in the market, they were warmly welcomed and became one of the most popular brands..
  In 1995, Texwinca acquired the trademark "BALENO" and established the Baleno Holdings Limited as the holding company. Being a famous casual wear brand name in various Asian countries, Baleno was launched in the Mainland China and Hong Kong. Thanks to the clear-cut aims and market strategies of Baleno Holdings Limited, the Baleno chain has achieved significant expansion in regions like mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and the Middle East in a mere 9 years’ time. To give a rough idea, there are approximately 3000 Baleno chain-shops throughout the world, and it is still one of the biggest and the most rapidly growing brands in the casual wear market.
  Wu Jianjie is the first and the present executive director of “JINJING BALENO”. In 1992, Wu Jianjie, having a deep feeling to China, thought the condition was better in the mainland market in China, and the cost was lower, so he decided to found “JINJING BALENO” Company.
  As at June 2005, Guangzhou JINJING Trade CO., LTD became China general agency of BALENO CLASSIC Leather. Following the ideas “creating international brand, increase the fashionable taste”, the company tries best to develop and promote BALENO CLASSIC a fashionable leather brand.
  As at August 2005, BALENO CLASSIC Leather goods franchised outlets have been started in large and medium cities all over China. There are shops from the big cities such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing to Wuhan, Heilongjiang, Neimenggu, etc.
  Because Guangzhou JINJING Trade CO., LTD has developed “franchise”, the shops covers and the benefits increase fast. Until December, 2006, there are more than 200 shops, including chain shops and franchise shops. BALENO CLASSIC Leather goods must be a new power leading to lead the fashion and tide.
  “JINJING BALENO” company has developed into a certain dimension, and need to face the transconformation question. And then “JINJING BALENO” begins to develop the company: the value beyond its cost, creative, simple, faithful and service. “JINJING BALENO” is aimed to become the biggest package and sales enterprise in China. And “JINJING BALENO” formed three goals: the biggest shops amount, the highest sales amount and the greatest profit.
经营性质: 生产型
企业分类: 行李(箱包袋),女包(袋),旅行(箱包袋),手提(箱包袋),钱包(袋夹)
经营范围: 箱包,手袋
【代理】BALENO CLASSIC宾奴广州市金... ( 发布时间:2009-07-28 )
     "BALENO CLASSIC宾奴"为中国大陆最为成熟的休闲品牌,其20余年品牌的推广认知度极高,其品牌认可度极其广泛,消费群体众多,并被普遍消费者可接受的一个大众品牌。 广州金鲸贸易有限公司为"BALENO CLASSIC宾...
所在地区: 广东.广州
地  址: 广州市花都区新华镇广塘村(新星小学左侧100米)
邮  编: 510000
联 系 人: 范/刘小姐
联系电话: 020-36825785
联系传真: 020-36807607

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